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The Unseen Burden: Why Accurate Data is Crucial for People Living with Non-Communicable Diseases

In many parts of the world, including Africa, individuals living with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) face a significant challenge: the lack of systematic data collection. This gap not only leaves their needs unaddressed but also undermines the value of their lives. Dr. Tim Evans, Assistant Director-General of the World Health Organization, aptly pointed out that where people are not counted, their lives are not valued. This statement underscores the critical importance of comprehensive data collection in understanding and addressing the burden of NCDs, particularly diabetes. For people living with diabetes, this lack of data has profound implications. Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires lifelong management to prevent complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and lower limb amputations. However, without accurate information on the prevalence, treatment, and outcomes of diabetes, it is challenging for healthcare providers to tailor care to individual needs.
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Breaking the Chains of Stigma: A Call for Inclusivity in Zimbabwean Schools

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Revolutionizing NCD Care: Bold Strategies and Impactful Advocacy from #ICPPA2024

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Changing the Narrative: Insights from Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes 2024

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Navigating the Landscape of Diabetes Care with Prof. Chantal Mathieu: A Global Diabetes Insights Podcast Special

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Guiding Young People with Diabetes into Adult Care: #ISPAD2023

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World Diabetes Day: Commemoration at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals

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Launch of Sinocare Diabetes Devices in Zimbabwe

The group of people that attended the launch of Sinocare's Launch Diabetes imposes a substantial economic burden on countries, health systems, people with diabetes, and their families, as suggested by International Diabetes Federation, 2021. World Health Organization postulated that, globally, an estimated 537 million adults aged 20–79 years are currently living with diabetes (representing 10.5% of the world’s population in this age group as of 2021). It was awe-inspiring to witness, Sinocare launching some of its most awaited products in the Zimbabwean market. As a person living with diabetes, together with other Zimbabwean Leading Laboratory corporations and renowned diabetes organizations as part of the audience, with a greater understanding of how glucose monitoring is key for the achievement of glycemic targets, extremely commend Re-Med Pvt Ltd for partnering with Sinocare, in the hope to bring in the advent of new technology (that is evolving rapidly in both accuracy and af